We get this question a lot. QB Business Solutions has a sound understanding of the submissions process in accordance with State Statue and by Manufacturer’s Policy.
Manufacturers have varied behaviors; however, we preserve the relationship between Dealer and Manufacturer. Some manufactures adhere to the state laws, while some manufactures present additional challenges. QB Business Solutions has never experienced any Dealer /Manufacturer retribution as a result of any warranty compensation submission.
We take pride in our preparation and take a consultative approach when preparing a dealer for submission. We never look for best case scenario by solely extracting data from a Dealer’s DMS system. Our Dealer prep process typically takes between 2 – 3 weeks and Manufacturers typically acknowledge the Dealers request between 30-60 days depending on the state.
All states have a provision to allow a Dealer to submit for a Warranty Labor Rate increase; however not all states allow for a Warranty Parts submission. To find out what your Dealership can submit for please visit our site map or call us directly.
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